
Technical Support Service Procurement for the Preparation of the Küçük Menderes River Basin Management Plan

River Basin Management Plans (RBMPs) are prepared under the Water Framework Directive (WFD). The main aim of the WFD is to prevent the deterioration of the status of all water bodies and to ensure that candidate countries for the EU achieve "good status." The project is designed to assist the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (Formerly the Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs) and other stakeholders in implementing EU legislation by applying the concrete requirements of the WFD, in addition to providing support in legal and institutional areas, primarily through economic analysis and tools to increase water efficiency. The overall objective of the project is to prepare a River Basin Management Plan for the Küçük Menderes Basin, which will be used by the General Directorate of Water Management to ensure both quality and quantity of water bodies. More specifically, the aim of this project is to conduct pressure and impact analysis, to determine the current status of water bodies through biological, chemical and hydromorphological monitoring studies; to establish environmental quality standards for each water body; to prepare and implement a monitoring program for surface and groundwater, to develop a Measures Program based on modeling studies to ensure and maintain good status of water bodies; and to ensure the coverage of the total cost of water services, which include environmental costs and resource costs, in accordance with the polluter pays principle.

Description of the actual services within the scope of the duty by our personnel:

Within the Scope of the Current Status Report:

  • Classification of surface water bodies in the basin according to EU criteria,

  • Reviewing and updating point and diffuse pressures and impacts identified for each surface water body through field studies,

  • Identification of point and diffuse pressures for each groundwater body and updating through field review,

  • Evaluation of the relationship and interaction between groundwater and surface water bodies in terms of quantity and quality,

  • Identification of hydromorphological pressures and impacts for each water body through field studies,

  • Initial characterization of the groundwater body to be conducted considering the provisions of the Regulation on Protection of Groundwater Against Pollution and Deterioration, risk assessment in terms of quantity and quality,

  • Determination of the current quality status of water bodies,

  • Risk analysis to ensure that all water bodies are in good condition,

  • Identification of sensitive areas determined according to regulations regarding areas where drinking water is supplied in the basin, areas allocated for the protection of economically important aquatic species, water bodies used for swimming and recreation purposes, sensitive water bodies, and areas affecting these water bodies (including 92/43/EEC and 79/409/EEC), indicating the importance of improving water conditions in conservation areas for the protection of habitats and species,

  • Economic analysis of water usage, covering the costs of current water usage and the preparation of a basic scenario.

Within the Scope of the Hot Spot Report for Quality and Quantity Management:

  • By evaluating the impacts of human activities on surface and groundwater, identification of the basin's hot spots in terms of quality and quantity management, and preparation of the Hot Spot Report for Quality and Quantity Management in accordance with the provisions specified in Annex 2 of the Water Framework Directive. This report includes significant pressures and risks for surface waters:

    • Point and diffuse pollution originating from urban, industrial, agricultural, and other structures and activities,

    • Water abstractions for urban, industrial, agricultural, and other uses, including seasonal variations, total demand, and losses in distribution networks,

    • Regulation of water flow, transfer of water, alteration of flow direction, morphological changes in water bodies,

    • Land uses such as urban, industrial, and agricultural areas, fish farms, and forests, other significant human impacts like mining activities, use, reinjection, and discharge of geothermal waters,

    • Impacts on coastal waters such as invasive species, accidents, etc.,

    • Effects of climate change on the basin.

Within the Scope of the Economic Analysis Report:

The economic analysis of water usage is conducted in accordance with Articles 5 and 9 of the EU Water Framework Directive and Annex 3 provisions.

Within the Scope of the Monitoring Report:

  • Evaluation and analysis of the existing monitoring system and monitoring data in the basin,

  • Development of a monitoring method for determining the hydromorphological status of surface water bodies in the basin and evaluation of the results,

  • Identification of surface and groundwater bodies and surface water types in the basin,

  • Detection of the chemical and ecological status determined for each monitoring point,

  • Implementation of the monitoring program for surface waters prepared by the administration,

  • Flow measurements conducted under regulatory monitoring within the basin,

  • Preparation of a monitoring program and results for groundwater in terms of quantity and quality,

  • List of reference areas in the basin and typical reference conditions determined as a result of monitoring in these areas,

  • For each component of biological quality elements within the biological monitoring; information on the sampling and diagnostic methods and equipment used, biological index, typical reference values and class boundary values, ecological quality ratios,

  • Biological status assessment for each biological quality component as a result of monitoring,

  • Monitoring results for water quality and quantity,

  • General chemical and physicochemical parameters, analysis methods for specific pollutants and priority substances, detection values (LoD) and quantification values (LoQ),

  • Preparation of separate pollution maps for general chemical and physicochemical parameters, biological quality elements, specific pollutants, and priority substances, and creation of final ecological, chemical, and water condition maps based on monitoring points,

  • Evaluation of monitoring results in terms of quantity and quality for each groundwater body, trend analysis, determination of threshold values and quantity and quality assessment, comparison of monitoring results for priority substances and specific pollutants with environmental quality standards in the Surface Water Quality Regulation,

  • Risk assessment of water bodies in the basin and classification of water quality.

Within the Scope of the Environmental Objectives Report:

  • Determination of environmental objectives taking into account all relevant plans such as existing water conditions for each water body in the basin, as well as spatial, environmental order, and development plans.

Within the Scope of the Measures Program Report:

  • The Measures Program has been established in accordance with Article 11 of the Water Framework Directive and Annex 6.

  • Listing of key measures to achieve the environmental objectives in the basin and conducting a cost-effectiveness analysis of these key measures,

  • Modeling the effectiveness of key measures (developing scenarios to protect and improve water quality and quantity while considering the basin's pressure-impact, evaluating the results in terms of cost),

  • Listing of complementary measures to achieve the environmental objectives in the basin and conducting economic analysis of these measures,

  • Determining whether the selected measures can achieve the environmental objectives and explaining the reasons in case of not achieving the environmental objectives.

Within the Scope of the GIS Report:

  • A report showing the results of the project interpreted with GIS-based digital maps, along with the analysis and verification of data obtained from the project.

Within the Scope of the final report of the Küçük Menderes Basin River Basin Management Plan:

  • A Basin Management Plan Report prepared in accordance with Article 13 of the Water Framework Directive and Annex 7, including the Current Status, Hot Spots for Quality and Quantity Management, Economic Analysis, Monitoring, Environmental Objectives, and Measures Program Reports.

io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.




Reşitpaşa Mah. Katar Cad. Arı Teknokent 1 2/5 D: 12 34469 Sarıyer

Phone: 0 (212) 276 65 48
Fax: 0 (212) 276 33 67
E-mail: info@iocevre.com

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io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.

io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.




Reşitpaşa Mah. Katar Cad. Arı Teknokent 1 2/5 D: 12 34469 Sarıyer

Phone: 0 (212) 276 65 48
Fax: 0 (212) 276 33 67
E-mail: info@iocevre.com

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io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.