Preparation of Monitoring Plans and Emission Reports for Electricity Sector Facilities Volunteering Under the MRV Pilot Program (IMRV-11.1)
The Turkish Government has received a grant from the World Bank Partnership for Market Readiness (PMR) fund to finance the implementation of legal regulations in the field of climate change. The main components of the PMR project to be carried out within this scope include; the establishment of a Project Management Unit, the implementation of Turkey's greenhouse gas (GHG) monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) system, analytical studies related to market-based instruments for greenhouse gas reduction, training of stakeholders, and public awareness through consultation meetings. The main goal of the consultancy services in the project is to ensure that the MRV cycle is well understood by all process actors and to successfully harmonize it with the MRV Regulation's pilot implementations carried out with the participation of 18 thermal power plants.
Definition of the actual services provided by our personnel within the scope of the task:
Monitoring Plan Development: Preparation of 18 facility-specific monitoring plans
Emission Report Development: Preparation of an Emission Report specific to 18 facilities
Continuous Support: Throughout the task, continuous support and supervision to ensure the preparation of high-quality facility-specific MP's, providing the necessary capacity to facility operators for greenhouse gas monitoring, and achieving a successful verification process through reliable ER's.
Capacity Development During the Task: Technical assistance to CCD for strengthening the capacities of facilities participating in the MRV pilot application and improving the national approval and review process.
Support for Verification: Support to pilot facilities/companies and CCD during the verification of the prepared emission reports by a third-party verifier.
Dissemination of lessons learned