Meriç-Ergene Basin Industrial Wastewater Management Master Plan
The purpose of the Main Plan Study for the Management of Industrial Wastewater in the Meriç-Ergene Basin, prepared for the abolished Ministry of Environment and Forestry, is to develop a management system for the wastewater generated by the industries located in the basin, in order to improve the current water quality of the basin. Within the scope of the project; the current situation has been examined by considering the receiving environment characteristics of the Ergene River, necessary quality criteria have been determined for the planned beneficial uses in the future, and strategies related to discharge standards have been established. Within the framework of legislation and planning principles, the assessability of the targets identified in the target analysis has been reviewed by evaluating the existing legislation. The reductions in discharge standards and the future degrees of improvement of the Ergene River quality have been analyzed, and the existing industrial discharges have been defined based on the targets with appropriate treatment strategies. An institutional structure and necessary legal arrangements that can integrate with the basin-based management system have been defined, and strategies related to the monitoring and auditing system have been established. A cost analysis of the management system has been conducted, and alternatives have been developed for necessary financing procurement.
Tasks performed by our personnel within the project:
Analysis of the current situation, goals, and gaps
Determination of strategies related to new discharge standards
Identification of the necessary treatment technologies and strategies to achieve new discharge standards
Definition of the necessary institutional structure and legal regulations
Determination of strategies related to monitoring and control systems
Development of alternatives for securing necessary financing through cost analysis