Project for the Control of Hazardous Substance Pollution
The main aim of the project is to produce the information needed for the implementation of the European Union Water Framework Directive in Turkey. The project aims to identify all hazardous substances and their sources present in surface waters in Turkey. While creating the candidate list within the scope of the project, not only the substances mentioned in existing national and international agreements, reports, and regulations are being examined, but also the substances included in TOBB capacity reports. The substances included in the candidate list have been evaluated through a risk assessment that jointly addresses risk and exposure. Sector-specific hazardous substance lists were created through on-site inspections and the assessment of raw materials and auxiliary chemicals used in processes. Throughout the project, the parameters listed in the final parameter list are periodically measured in water bodies, as well as in domestic and industrial discharges and industrial processes. Determining environmental quality standards (EQS) on a basin basis for each substance is one of the project's future objectives. The derived EQS will also be used to determine discharge standards. The information produced within the project has been made interrelated and queryable through the established Hazardous Substance Information System, along with geographical information.
Types of services provided:
Creation of a candidate list of hazardous substances for Turkey
Determination of the final list of hazardous substances using risk assessment methods
Creation of sector-specific hazardous substance lists through on-site inspections and evaluation of raw materials and auxiliary chemicals used in processes
Periodic monitoring of parameters included in the final list in water bodies, domestic and industrial discharges, and production processes
Determination of Environmental Quality Standards
Establishment of a web-based Hazardous Substance Information System