Determining the Impact of Climate Change on Snowmelt and Currents Project Consultancy

As a result of climate change, the reduction of snow cover can have negative impacts on the water resources of river basins that are fed by snow. The project's scope is to assess the effects of climate change on the snow loads and melting in the Keban Dam Basin (Upper Euphrates Basin) and the consequent changes in river flow. The region's snow cover has been characterized by evaluating information such as historical minimum snow height for each sub-basin, snow load-height relationship, snow-water equivalent ratio, average snow-covered period, and ratio. Hydrological modeling studies include simulations of stream flows resulting from snowmelt in snow drainage areas, taking into account snow characteristics. The designed snowmelt models have been run in conjunction with projections of meteorological parameters such as precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity to determine the changes that may occur in the amount and duration of snowmelt between 2020 and 2100. To obtain future snowmelt and discharge projections, climate projections generated with the MPI-ESM-MR model under RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5 scenario simulations have been utilized under the "Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources Project" conducted by the General Directorate of Water Management.

Definition of the actual services provided by our personnel under the assignment:

  1. Data collection

  2. Normalized daily flows will be calculated

  3. Hydrological models (HEC-HMS, HBV, ANN) will be used

  4. Snow cover characterization will be done

  5. Snow depletion curves will be created using satellite images (IMS and MODIS).

  6. Based on drainage areas,

  7. Projections of snow-covered areas,

  8. Projections of snow-water equivalent,

  9. Projections of flows resulting from snowmelt,

  10. Projections of instantaneous peak discharge timing and runoff amount due to snowmelt,

  11. Average flows, the amount of low flow period flows, and their temporal projections,

io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.




Reşitpaşa Mah. Katar Cad. Arı Teknokent 1 2/5 D: 12 34469 Sarıyer

Phone: 0 (212) 276 65 48
Fax: 0 (212) 276 33 67

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io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.

io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.




Reşitpaşa Mah. Katar Cad. Arı Teknokent 1 2/5 D: 12 34469 Sarıyer

Phone: 0 (212) 276 65 48
Fax: 0 (212) 276 33 67

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io Environmental Solutions Research and Development Ltd.