Burdur Basin River Basin Management Plan
The general aim of the project is to prepare a River Basin Management Plan for the Burdur Basin, which will be used by the General Director of Water Management to ensure good status in terms of both quantity and quality for water bodies. More specifically, the objective of this project is to determine the current status of water bodies through biological, chemical, and hydromorphological monitoring studies; to establish environmental quality standards for each water body; to ensure and maintain good status in water bodies by developing a Measures Program based on modeling studies; and to ensure the coverage of total water service costs, including environmental and resource costs, in accordance with the polluter pays principle. Furthermore, if the desired environmental objectives are not achieved despite the implementation of the measures program, justifications will be elaborated in detail and exemptions will be determined in case the total cost cannot be covered.
Works carried out by our personnel within the project:
Assessment of the Current Status of the Basin
Pressure, Impact, and Risk Analysis in Water Bodies
Identifying Hot Spots in the Basin
Evaluation of Monitoring Study Results
Determination of Environmental Quality Standards
Preparation of the Measures Program
Economic Analysis Studies Including Environmental Costs and Resource Costs
River Basin Management Plan
Monitoring Program
Action Plan